Caribbean Sea Volume 1
Caribbean Volume 1 contains 40 species found around the Caribbean. Above are the images from the book.
Andaman Sea Volume 1
Andaman Sea Volume 1 contains 40 species found around the Caribbean. Above are the images from the book.
Species Matrix
Your SCUBA dictionary is useful in multiple regions, not just the location the guide was based on. We have outlined the species below that can be found in different locations by putting an X in the Seas that it is known to be spotted in. You can rearrange your guide to put those specific species up front on your next trip.
Caribbean Sea Vol. 1

3 Spot Damselfish X X
Bell Tunicates X
Black Durgon X X
Blackbar Soldierfish X X
Bluethroat Pike Blenny X
Boring Sponge X
Common Octopus X
Fire Coral X X
Giant Anemone X
Giant Barrel Sponge X X
Giant Basket Star X
Great Barracuda X X
Great Star Coral X X X
Hawsbill Turtle X
Knobby Cactus Coral X
Lettuce Sea Slug X
Longsnout Sea Horse X
Long-Spined Urchin X
Magnificent Feather Duster X
Moon Jellyfish X X
Nurse Shark X
Orange Cup Corals X X
Pedersen Shrimp X
Queen Angelfish X
Schooling Surgeonfish X X
Sea Pearl X X X
Sea Rod X
Secretary Blenny X
Sharptail Eel X
Shortnose Batfish X
Smooth Trunkfish X
Southern Stingray X
Spanish Slipper Lobster X
Spotted Drum X
Spotted Moray Eel X
Spotted Scorpionfish X
Star Encrusting Sponge X
Teardrop Crab X
Tiger Tail Cucumber X
Yellowhead Jawfish X

Andaman Sea Vol. 1

Anchor Coral X
Anglerfish X
Banded Sea Snake X
Bar-Tailed Goatfish X X
Blotched Partner Goby X X
Chocolate Hind X X
Comet X
Coral Face X
Crown of Thorns X
Cuttlefish X X
Giant Sea Fan X X X
Globe Urchin X
Harlequin Sweetlips X X
Harp Coral X
Indian Leaf Fish X
Java Rabbitfish X
Leopard Shark X
Long-Armed Feather Star X
Magnificent Anemone X X
Marble Sea Cucumber X X
Pae's Seamoth X
Peacock Mantis Shrimp X
Ramose Murex Shell X
Red Breasted Wrasse X
Red-Tail Butterflyfish X
Redtooth Triggerfish X
Slipper Coral X X X
Soft Coral Colors X X
Sponge Crab X
Spotted Garden Eel X
Spotted Hawkfish X X X
Tallfin Batfish X
Thorny Oyster X
Toby X
Twoline Threadfin Bream X
Varicose Wart Slug X X
Western Anemonefish X
Whip Coral Goby X
White-Eyed Moray X
Zebra Lionfish X X

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